Each September the Syrup Soppin' Festival is held in Loachapoka, AL, and it brings in a crowd of about 20,000 to the small little town. Anything that you can imagine is sold there. Purses, hot sauces, sweets, paintings, etc. You name it, they probably have a table set up with exactly what you are looking for. This past year we stopped by tent where an old man was selling different wooden crafts and furniture. He had dressers, rocking chairs, key holders, coat holders, everything!
We actually purchased a small rocking chair from him the year before last and painted it in Alabama colors to give to Vann's Dad for Christmas, because he LOVES rocking chairs. This year we were able to purchase an out house that is actually a toilet paper holder. When you open the door to the out house, you will find a place to store about 3 or 4 rolls of toilet paper, and on the top is where the roll that you are currently using is held.
I fell in love with this when we purchased the rocking chair, but I didn't bring enough money to buy both, and the rocking chair was top priority. So this past September when we returned, it was all I could think about on the drive to the festival. I just knew that he wouldn't have anymore left. But low and behold, when we walked up on his tent, there they were! I just have to put about 2 or 3 more coats of white paint on it (and finish painting a couple of things on there period...I ran out of white paint and it is too messy outside to go to Walmart!), and then Vann is going to do some outlines of the items I want to paint on it in pencil, and then once I paint it we just have to put a clear coat on it and it will be complete! I should be done in about a week or so, but I will just have to see what work has in store for me before I make any promises. However, once we are done, I will post the pictures on here so that you can see the finished product!!!